Ornament Decorations
Evening everyone, I have been trying to figure out what to post on this blog but I kind of ran out of ideas. I know that everyone is tired of the same old sky, ocean, trees, flowers, etc. so I asked if anyone had an idea of what I can take a picture of. The one that I thought was a great idea was to take pictures of ornaments on a tree (or anywhere else) and see how they came out. It was an interesting concept and I enjoyed it. I took the pictures from different angles and chose a few that I thought were interesting to look at, to post on here. Let me know what you think of them... Everyone who knows of Disney and Winnie the Pooh will know who this is! He was one of my favorites (I liked them all :p ) and the way he looks like he is hiding in the tree is awesome. Now this is a little different. You are looking up at the ornament and you see the distance of the branches in the background at the top right. The bottom left you can see more clearly the details o...