Flowers Blossom

Even though I may be a writer, I love photography as well. I like how some pictures are at an angle, may be black and white with only one color showing, or seeing rain falling down on your window. But one thing that many people look at, especially if they are with someone special, is flowers. I take pictures when I can, and whenever I see one, I take a snapshot of it. No picture is 100 % perfect, but to me there is always potential in a picture.

In this photo you can clearly tell that your focus is more on the rose itself while the stem and its leaves are blurred out into the background. This is what I think seems very cool because you can pay more attention to the detail in the rose, but you can't help but wonder what-or where-the green stem is coming from.
Even in a black and white photo, it is still beautiful. Your eye travels to many different points in the picture and you can tell that-in the photo-these flowers are a part of something bigger. But you only get a glimpse of what the entire bouquet is trying to tell you.
No one seems to think outside the box when it comes to photography of flowers. But when you see artists taking pictures that seem out of the ordinary, it looks strange. This picture I decided to add to this post is one that someone may see to say it is strange. What I think of it is that, if you picture yourself as someone who is a size of an ant and you are looking up at this flower, it seems huge. You also see that the beauty in a flower is not just what we see on the top, but what is holding the flower together at the bottom.
When you hear the expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", each person has there own way at figuring out what this phrase means to them. When you look at a flower, you are not only looking at something that is beautiful, but something that means something to you.

There is a reason what that flower caught your eye. You may not know what it means or why you are looking at it, but the beauty of it caught your attention.

Those are my flowers and this is my ending for this day.
I will write again soon with other photographs.
Til then, "stop and savor the beauty of that flower you see before you."
copyright by me.
- Jess* 


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