The Sun...

There are many different picture that we see when it comes to the Sun.
It could either be the sunset or a sunrise.
Not many now-a-days see the sunrise because that would mean we would have to get up early to see it.
But when you do see it, it is just as beautiful as the sunset.

This is what the sun looks like by me at around 6:25 a.m.
I like how the red spots (that is what many people call them) are surrounding the sun.
It looks like, to me, that you are seeing through a different lens if you concentrate on the sun.
This picture you see more of the sky and how the sun brightens up the day that is to come.
It looks very calm and peaceful.
This I think is the best when it comes to seeing the sun being surrounded by the morning clouds.
The cool colors as well as the brightness wakes you up too.

The sunrises are very beautiful. Of course it is more beautiful if you are outside in nature by a mountain, lake, or even the woods. I do not have that luxury because I live in a place where there are houses everywhere. But no matter what, I can see the sun and the moon in their different phases.
It just all depends if I am up at a certain time to see the early or late phases.

"Do what you want, but most importantly, do what makes you happy. Even if that means taking pictures of the sun."

copyright by me.
- Jess


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